Educational Resource: Photovoice Providing Insights into the Lived Experiences of Those Living with Obesity
See the full report here
We are excited to present the results of our work on patient perceptions and preferences in Work Package 7! This visual-based educational resource is intended for those working in health and social care to provide further insight into the lived experience among those living with obesity.

This resource, with a sample of 11 participants (7 female, 4 male) addresses the concerns about living with obesity, hopes and desires for obesity treatment and the experience of living with obesity during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The data draws on photovoice methodology and associated interviews, and is presented with the photograph taken by the participant on the initial slide and the associated quote on the preceding slide. Some participants chose GIFs from online searches rather than taking original photographs. All data has been anonymised to protect participant confidentiality.
Special thanks to Eva Hollmann, Emma Farrell, Carel le Roux, Joe Nadglowski and Deirdre McGillicuddy from Work Package 7, including all research participants for their work and support.
SOPHIA has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 875534. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and EFPIA and T1D Exchange, Breakthrough T1D (JDRF), and Obesity Action Coalition.